Ideas, Imagination creates a concept, gives birth to a design.
In fact you have each five fingers on your hand but designed accordingly for the needs while decorating this with rings bangles which makes beautiful for appreciation, like wise the magic of creation where ever if it is for - working, resting, shopping or what ever it is one has to design for the specific needs keeping in mind and decorate it for appreciating visuals.
To design is to conceive, envision, plan, delineate and compose things. The design methods includes communicating the concept to the client-owner and to the crafts people who build or execute those designs. It includes appropriate use of materials, attention to scale and attention to functional and psychological appropriateness.
One had to purely understand the basic principles while designing say Proportion, Scale, Balance, Harmony, Unity & Variety, Rhythm & Emphasis.
Proportion refers to the relationship of one part to another or to the whole or between one object and another. This relationship may be one of magnitude, quantity or degree.
Proportion refers to the relationship between the parts of a composition, while scale refers specifically to the size of something relative to some known standard or recognized constant-
Mechanical Scale is a calculation of objects physical size according to the standard system of measurement.
Visual Scale refers to the bigness something appears to have when measured against other things around it.
Human Scale which refers to the feeling of smallness or bigness a space or an interior element gives.
Balance can be elaborated as Symmetrical balance, Radial balance, Asymmetrical balance
Harmony can be defined as consonance or the pleasing agreement of parts or combination of parts in a composition. While balance achieves unity through the careful agreement of both similar and dissimilar elements.
To get variety and interest include dissimilar elements and characteristics.
Design principle of rhythm is based on the repetition of elements in space and time. The repetition not only creates visual unity but also induces a rhythmic continuity of movement.
The principle of emphasis assumes coexistence of dominant and subordinate elements in the composition of an interior setting. Point of emphasis can be created by a perceptible contrast in size, shape color or value.